The CS:GO player awards will crown the best performing players and teams of each year. A live ceremony is held every year at IEM Katowice and will debut at the 2023 event.

The award will be given in three categories: player of the year, team of the year, and breakthrough of the year. As a one-off award, the player of the decade will be awarded during a live ceremony on stage at IEM Rio 2022.

Players vote for Players

The world’s best CS:GO players, defined by the ESL World Ranking, will vote across a selected shortlist. Once complete, the voted finalists per category will be flown for a live award ceremony to take place annually at IEM Katowice.
Player of the Year
Breakthrough of the Year
Team of the Year
Player of the Decade

The Nomination & Voting Process


Preselected Players & Teams

Top players & a preselected amount of teams based on the average ESL WR Rating.



On screen talent verification by analysts or casters to ensure an accurate representation of the nominees.



Top Players (as per ESL World Ranking) vote their top players within the preselected shortlist towards each category.

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