Warcraft® III Enter Second Year with Full Planning Unveiled

StarCraft® II & Warcraft® III competitions are set to return in May 2021, with qualifiers starting in April, for the lead up to the next ESL Pro Tour Championship of 2022. Today’s announcement confirms the full calendar for both titles, an advanced planning for combating the dynamic COVID-19 status as well as the removal of region lock which will see South Korean players able to compete on a regular basis in international SC2 tournaments since 2016.

Before diving in, we’d like to take this opportunity to announce our prospective tournament planning but want to be transparent with the community that these plans are subject to change. If COVID-19 remains a major barrier to safety for mass gatherings, then we will need to scale our plans accordingly. However if things progress positively then there’s a good chance that we will all be able to get back together fans, players, and community alike in 2021.

Warcraft III

In 2021 there will be three fully online EPT competitions ahead of the EPT Championship planned at the end of the year in 2021.

DreamHack WC3 Open: Summer 2021 - $25,000
Qualifiers: April 17 - 18 & 24 - 25
Regionals: May 5 - 23

DreamHack WC3 Open: Fall 2021 - $25,000
Qualifiers: Jul 10 - 11 & 17 - 18
Regionals: Jul 28 - Aug 15

DreamHack WC3 Open: Winter 2021 - $25,000
Qualifiers: Sep 18 - 19 & 25 - 26
Regionals: Oct 6 - 24

EPT Championship: DH WC3 Championship 2021 - $100,000
December, 2021

EPT Challenger

DreamHack WC3 OpenSUMMER

EPT Challenger

DreamHack WC3 Openfall

EPT Challenger

DreamHack WC3 openWINTER

EPT Championship

DH WC3 ChampionshipChina 2021

EPT Points ESL Pro Tour points are distributed at all our competitions.


Similar to 2020, there will be three seasons of online competition split into three regional components of Europe, America, and Asia. They will operate identical to the previous year offering players prize money & EPT points in order to qualify for the subsequent EPT Championship.

EPT Championship:

Planned to take place at the end of the calendar year, the EPT Championship competition will have 16 players from the three core regions compete.


EPT StandingsEurope 6 | Americas 2 | Asia 8

ESL Open Cups

We are increasing the scope of the ESL Open Cups to now take place in all three of our core regions that we see our main competitions in across Europe, America, and Asia. More importantly from April 5th 2021, these competitions will now contribute ESL Pro Tour points and will become a fundamental part of the foundation of the EPT structure. Following our DreamHack Championship we will also be moving these to be played on Mondays for the year duration.

For a full distribution of prize money and ESL Pro Tour point allocation please visit HERE.

Wrapping UP

While being optimistic that a return to the original design of the ESL Pro Tour is close, we want to remain realistic and transparent on our planning. What we are telling you about today is our latest planning and could change depending on how the world looks in the coming months. We aim to remain flexible in our plans similar to how we saw this year unfold, 2020 has been a complicated year for us all and we thank you for your patience as we navigate a quickly changing landscape.

We hope you are you enjoying our first year of the ESL and Blizzard partnership and we’re excited to bring you two more, starting next year and going through our season in 2022-23. We want to wish you all a happy holiday season and we will return in early 2021 to keep you informed on our latest planning.

Make sure to follow us on social media:
Warcraft 3: Twitter/Facebook


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