Meet the teams heading to the ESL One Cologne 2015 offline qualifiers!
Who will make it to the main event in Cologne?

The online portion of the ESL One Cologne 2015 qualifiers has come to an end. Teams from all over the globe competed for a spot in their regions offline qualifier, and now a total of 32 have qualified split over three offline qualifiers.




The eight teams qualified for the Asian offline qualifier are:

  • QeeYou - Chinese qualifier
  • Skyred - East Asian qualifier
  • NeckBREAK - Indian qualifier
  • MVP.Karnal - Malaysian qualifier
  • Renegades - Oceanic qualifier
  • Team Immunity - Oceanic qualifier
  • myRevenge - Southeast Asian qualifier
  • The Mongolz - Invite (application)


The sixteen teams qualified for the European offline qualifier are:

  • FlipSid3 Tactics - Invite
  • HellRaisers - Invite
  • PENTA Sports - Invite
  • Team Dignitas - Invite
  • Titan - Invite
  • 1337 - European open qualifier #1
  • ENCORE - European open qualifier #1
  • INSHOCK - European open qualifier #1
  • PiTER - European open qualifier #1
  • Epiphany Bolt - European open qualifier #2
  • ex-Team ROCK - European open qualifier #2
  • Gamers2 - European open qualifier #2
  • KILLERFISH eSport - European open qualifier #2
  • Kinguin - European open qualifier #2
  • LGB eSports - European open qualifier #2
  • OverGaming - European open qualifier #2


The eight teams qualified for the North American offline qualifier are:

  • Cloud9 G2A - Invite
  • Counter Logic Gaming - Invite
  • Luminosity gaming - Invite
  • Team Liquid - Invite
  • eLevate - North American open qualifier #1
  • Nihilum - North American open qualifier #1
  • Noble Esports - North American open qualifier #1
  • Tempo Storm - North American open qualifier #1


The offline qualifiers will kick off on July 18th and 19th with the Asian qualifier, where the top two teams will qualify for ESL One Cologne 2015.

The European qualifier will take place on July 25th and 26th, with four teams fighting to earn their ticket to ESL One Cologne 2015, while on August 1st and 2nd the North American qualifier will decide the final two spots for ESL One Cologne 2015.


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