ESL Pro League Season 15 Conference

ESL Pro League Season 15

With the 2022 calendar release we announced the ESL Pro League Conference as an extension to our regular EPL season, the league will see an increase from 24 teams to 34. The tournament will now include a new stage which will see 16 teams from across all ESL Pro Tour Challenger tournaments battle it out in a double elimination bracket where 3 teams progress to the group stage of EPL S15. In future editions there will be 6 teams progressing from the conference stage, however for S15 we wanted to honor the placements of the ongoing ESEA Premier seasons where 3 teams would already join the regular EPLS15 group stage.

The EPL Conference stage is set to take place from November 23 - 28, 2021, and will be held online. We will be supporting teams from outside of Europe with travel and boot camp and all teams additional tech support throughout the tournament to ensure they are able to compete in the latest edition of ESL Pro League.

ESL Pro League Season 15 Conference stage slot distribution*

    1. DHO 45 - North America
    2. DHO 45 - Asia
    3. DHO 46 - North America
    4. DHO 46 - South America
    5. DHO 46 - Oceania
    6. DHO 47 - Europe
    7. ESEA S38 - Europe 2nd
    8. ESEA S38 - North America 2nd
    9. ESL NC Oceania
    10. ESL NC Germany
    11. ESL NC UK
    12. ESL NC France
    13. ESL NC Spain
    14. ESL NC Poland
    15. ESL NC Turkey
    16. ESL NC Decider Match (between Switzerland & Benelux)**

*The slot distribution for EPL15 Conference stage will be reviewed for further editions of EPL. All slots are solely assigned per season, and depending on eligible participants may require further qualifiers into the conference stage in the future.

**For the EPL15 Conference there are 8 slots available for the 9 ESL National Championships. On the 16th November, there is a decider match between the Swiss and Benelux region on who will take the final spot in the EPL Conference from the ESL National Championship tournaments.

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