ESL Challenger Hannover Update 

In light of the scheduled DreamHack Hannover festival on June 9-11 getting canceled, we bring an update relating to the ESL Challenger competition meant to take place at the festival.

The ESL Challenger competition will continue to take place on the original scheduled dates, being June 9-11. The location will however change and due to the nature of where the competition is meant to take place in the calendar, there will be no possible alternative DreamHack festival to link it with.

The competition will still be played out on LAN and as a result, ESL Challenger will instead be played out of our studios in Katowice, Poland. While the location might have changed, the competition will remain the same and feature 8 teams, a $100,000 prize pool and a qualification slot for ESL Pro League Season 18.

ESL Challenger Katowice will feature 4 teams invited based on the ESL World Ranking and qualifiers in Europe, North America, South America and South Africa will shortly begin and qualify a total of 4 teams. More info can be found on the ESL Challenger website.


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