The EPTRegional Rankings

All DOTA 2 teams split per region at one view. 


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How this works

For a detailed explanation on how the slots are determined for our qualifiers and other important information, please refer to our rulebook.

How this works

We’ve built an Elo based ranking system for regions, with a baseline of one secured slot per region.

Regions with higher Elo scores can earn additional slots, which are distributed within that region according to teams’ ranking placement, based on the table above.

The points teams earn at each tournament maintain full value for 16 weeks, and by 36 weeks these points will have completely decayed. Each team's points will decay over time after 16 weeks, and any roster changes will incur a point deduction.

The table you see above shows the EPT Ranking for teams, regional rankings where each teams score is based on their performance in recent tournaments.

Sound simple? It's not.

If you’re interested in the intricacies of our new rankings system, here’s a deep dive:

The seven Regional Rankings tables above will be the primary way for teams to be invited to all of the events in the ESL Pro Tour, alongside qualifiers if they are held, although there won't be any qualifiers for season 1 of the EPT.

All EFG events will ensure that there is a minimum of one team per region at each event. Additional teams will be added per region by measuring the strength of each region in any previous events that included multiple regions. To this point, even prestigious events may be omitted from the rankings process, like the ESL One Stockholm Major, due to the absence of Chinese teams at that event.

For EFG competitions with more than 13 participants, a second slot will be assigned to each region as long as a team from the region has reached at least Top 12 in one of the last two pertinent competitions — if any region has failed to do so, they will only receive one guaranteed slot.

For any additional slots not assigned to regions or teams through other circumstances, the regional Elo rating will be used to determine the amount of slots for each region. The order of the teams will be decided by the results based EPT Ranking table shown above.

Each region has an Elo rating.

Regional Elo will decay over time, and the uncertainty will increase in the time immediately following major gameplay patches, causing scores to fluctuate more dramatically.

For each additional slot in a tournament, the region with the best Elo score will receive the slot. After a region is awarded a slot at the tournament, the next best team from that region still included in the calculation will be removed after receiving the slot, the region's score recalculated, and the next spot assigned to a team through the same process. It is important to note that the removed team will be replaced by the next best rated team from that region. These steps will be repeated until all slots have been assigned to their respective regions.

Teams with scheduled matches in valve-sanctioned competitions during the tournament dates are ineligible to be invited to DreamLeague or EPT events.

By default, for each region with 2 teams invited, it will exclude the best teams' results from its outcomes — this is to ensure that one good team is unable to earn its region a disproportionate number of slots. If a region only receives one slot through the above process, then the best teams' result will be included.

Once the slots for each region have been assigned, invites will be awarded to the teams in order of their position in each regional ranking.

Should a team decline an invitation, the invite will move down that region's rankings to the next eligible team.


We want to recognise the premier events on the calendar as being more significant to the teams reputation and standing in the community, therefore the points from The International 2022, Riyadh Masters 2023 & The International 2023 will have a longer period of maintaining their full value than other events such as DreamLeague or any Majors.

We discount the best team in each region from the slot allocation so that one team can't earn their region a disproportionate amount of slots, especially as their invite to the event is already secured through the baseline of 1 slot per region.

Instead, we look at the results of the second and third best teams in the region — currently, WEU fields the most competitive line-up of teams, so until slots are assigned to teams on the level of OG, Entity, Tundra etc., it will retain that position at the top.

Because WEU is so strong, the second best teams in other regions are rated comparatively weaker. So if they're going to earn more slots, the second and third best teams need to take games and series off of the top teams.

Teams with scheduled matches in valve-sanctioned competitions during the tournament dates are ineligible to be invited to DreamLeague or EPT events.


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