With our mid-year update, we're improving the language in some often misunderstood rules in the interest of causing less confusion among participants, as well as adding ways for us to make on-the-fly official communications to teams while at events. We've also updated some of our replacement rules to cover fringe situations that hadn't been considered at their inception, and for tournaments where the invitation criteria has changed over time.
In addition to the above, we’ve more clearly codified our rules surrounding setup periods before offline matches, and introduced a new rule to establish arrival days as being defined dates with mandatory adherence.
The biggest change coming with this update is the addition of a mechanism for substituting coaches in and out between offline matches. It’s important to note that this can only be done with participants registered on a team’s lineup.
Finally, our rulebooks have had a slight facelift since they were looking a little weathered!
General Rules changelog
- Added an example to 2.16.1 Determining the “better seed” to provide more clarity
- Added 2.26 Deadlines to allow for ESL Tournament Administration to provide on-the-fly deadlines while on-site in a more convenient way for teams, instead of just through email
- Created 4.7 Arrival day to allow for ESL to penalise teams who won't adhere to the arrival schedules outlined for each event
- Expanded 4.11 Setup Period with more precise details of the tournament area setup procedure, as well as codifying how a team's lateness affects their opponent
- Updated the wording in 4.14 ESL Provided Areas
- Expanded 5.10.1 Public behaviour to include mention of illegal activities
Replacement Rules changelog
- Updated EPT Masters Level League to reflect the introduction of ESL World Ranking invitations slots
- Revised EPT Masters Level Tournament to cover instances where a drop out is from a region that did not have a closed qualifier
- Revised EPT Challenger Level Tournament to cover instances where a drop out is from a region that did not have a closed qualifier
- Added Copyright Notice
Roster Restrictions changelog
- Changed some language in 2.2.1 Restrictions for adding new players to better reflect our intentions behind the rule
- Added 2.3.3 Coach substitutions in offline competitions to create a mechanism to allow teams to swap coaches in and out between matches at an offline event
- Added Copyright Notice
Game Specific changelog
- Updated 2.7.2 Offline tournaments to make mention of the new rules regarding coach substitutions
ESL Pro Tour - CSGO General Rules 2024
- 2.16.1 Determining the “better seed”
Whenever a clear seeding can be given, one participant will be declared the “better seed”. This participant then has the choice of who starts the map-veto process.
- In online qualifiers, the tournament seeding (see round one of the upper bracket) determines who has the better seed.
- For preliminary stages (e.g. Play-In or Conference), a clear seeding will be implemented and it will remain valid for the duration of that whole stage
- For group stages, a clear seeding will be implemented and it will remain valid for the duration of that whole stage. Where a group stage is preceded by a preliminary stage, the results of that stage will be taken into account during the group draw
- For any other competition format, if a clear seeding is implemented (e.g. in the bracket draw), it will remain valid for the duration of that whole stage (excluding the grand final)
- In playoffs that follow upon a previous round that gave a clear ranking, the participant that had the higher previous round ranking is considered the “better seed” until the grand final. Where a “better seed” cannot be established, i.e, when two group winners face each other in a semi-final, a coin toss will be used to determine it.
- In a single elimination grand final and a double elimination final with no map advantage, a coin toss is used to determine the “better seed” team. In a double elimination final with a map advantage, the team coming from the lower bracket is considered the “better seed”
If a case is not covered here or still unclear for any reason, contact the tournament administration.
- 2.26 Deadlines
Communications from ESL (either via email or sent via an instant messaging service while at an event) which include deadlines are considered to be an extension of this rulebook, and all other ESL Pro Tour CS Rulebooks, and must be adhered to as such.
- 4.11 Setup period
A setup period, encompassing setup of peripherals, settings and warming up, of thirty (30) minutes is normally provided before an offline match, although this period is not guaranteed. The exact time available for setup will be relayed to teams when they arrive at the tournament area.
Both teams will be offered the same amount of setup time and will only be allowed into the tournament area at the same time. An exception to this is when one (1) participant is late due to something within their control (i.e., arriving late for their shuttle). Where a participant is late due to circumstances not within their control (i.e., traffic on route to the tournament venue), the other participant will not be given access to the tournament area until they are both on site.
Any time spent away from the tournament area during this thirty (30) minute period will still be considered as part of the setup period. Additional setup time may be given, at the discretion of the lead referee, if a technical issue arises over the course of the setup period that could not have been foreseen beforehand. Any technical issues caused by player equipment (i.e., peripherals or in-ears) will not result in extra setup time being given, nor will it be given for technical issues that arise after a player has chosen not to start setting up when the tournament area was opened for them.
- 4.7 Arrival day
Participants must arrive at the player hotel by the date designated as the Arrival Date by ESL. Where a participant refuses to arrive on that date, a minimum fine of $2,000 will be given, increasing based on the disruption caused to any scheduled activities for the participant. In cases where ESL deems the reasoning for a delayed arrival to be unacceptable, disqualification and replacement of the participant will be possible. Fines will not be given in the case of delayed travel due to circumstances beyond the control of the participant, nor when a participant lives locally and is not staying at the player hotel.
- 4.14 ESL Provided Areas
Participants must follow all restrictions of the venue, hotel and country when access is provided by ESL. This applies to participants who are no longer a part of the tournament, in the same way that it does to those still competing in it. Only marketing activities that have been authorised by ESL are allowed in any ESL provided areas (e.g. tournament areas, practice rooms, hotel rooms etc.).
- 5.10.1 Public behaviour
All participants shall abstain, at all times, from poor, undesirable, or negative behaviour towards anybody involved with the competition in any way.
All participants shall abstain, at all times, from any action or inaction, illegal or otherwise, that could bring anybody involved with the competition in any way into public disrepute, contempt, scandal, ridicule or harms the public relations or commercial value of any involved party. This includes derogatory comments aimed at ESL, its partners or products in interviews, statements and/or social media channels.
ESL Pro Tour - Replacement Rules 2024
EPT Masters Level League
ESL Pro League
- Partner Team slots
- If a new partner team can be found within a reasonable timeframe, they will receive an invitation to the tournament.
- If no partner team can be found, the next team in line from the ESL World Ranking at the time of the dropout will receive an invitation to the tournament.
- Regional NC Pre-Qualifier
- In case teams are tied then the highest ranked team in the ESL World Ranking at the time of the dropout will be the next in line, OR;
- In case there are no more teams available from the Pre-Qualifier, then the next team in line from the ESL World Ranking at the time of the dropout will receive an invitation.
- Regional ESL National Championship slots without Pre-Qualifier
- The second placed team from the ESL National Championship in question will receive an invitation to the tournament.
- If the second placed team declines the invitation or is otherwise unable to attend, the next team in line from the ESL World Ranking at the time of the dropout of that respective region (e.g. Europe or North America) will receive an invitation to the tournament.
- Regional ESL Challenger League slots
- The second placed team from the most recently completed ESL Challenger League season of that respective region will receive an invitation to the tournament.
- If the second placed team declines the invitation or is otherwise unable to attend, the next team in line from the ESL World Ranking at the time of the dropout of that respective region will receive an invitation to the tournament.
- ESL Challenger slots
- The second placed team from the ESL Challenger event in question will receive an invitation to the tournament.
- If the second placed team declines the invitation or is otherwise unable to attend, the next team in line from the Global ESL World Ranking at the time of the dropout will receive an invitation to the tournament.
- Regional qualifier slots
- The second placed from the qualifier in question will receive an invitation to the tournament.
- If the second placed team declines the invitation or is otherwise unable to attend, the next team in line from the ESL World Ranking at the time of the dropout of that respective region will receive an invitation to the tournament.
- ESL World Ranking slots
- The highest ESL World Ranking ranked team at the time of the dropout, that is not currently part of the tournament, will receive an invitation to the tournament.
EPT Challenger Level Tournament
After closed qualifiers but before the replacement deadline
In the event that a team drops out after the closed qualifiers but before the replacement deadline, the following will happen:
- The next team in line from the closed qualifier of that respective region will receive an invitation to the tournament.
- In case teams are tied then the highest ranked team in the ESL World Ranking at the time of the dropout will receive the invitation, OR;
- If there are no more teams available from the closed qualifier, then the next team in line from the last open qualifier will receive the invitation.
- In case teams are tied then the highest ranked team in the ESL World Ranking at the time of the dropout will receive the invitation.
- If the dropped team is from a region that did not have a closed qualifier, the highest ranked team in the ESL World Ranking at the time of the dropout will receive the invitation.
EPT Masters Level Tournament
After closed qualifiers but before the replacement deadline
In the event that a team drops out after the closed qualifiers but before the replacement deadline, the following will happen:
- The next team in line from the closed qualifier of that respective region will receive an invitation to the tournament.
- In case teams are tied then the highest ranked team in the ESL World Ranking at the time of the dropout will receive the invitation, OR;
- If there are no more teams available from the closed qualifier, then the next team in line from the last open qualifier will receive the invitation.
- In case teams are tied then the highest ranked team in the ESL World Ranking at the time of the dropout will receive the invitation.
- If the dropped team is from a region that did not have a closed qualifier, the highest ranked team in the ESL World Ranking at the time of the dropout will receive the invitation.
ESL Pro Tour - Roster Restrictions 2024
- 2.1.1 Restrictions for adding new players
Every player addition is counted as a “new player”. The maximum number of new players any team can add within any one hundred and twenty (120) day period is five (5). This includes new players in other ESL Pro Tour CS competitions (including but not limited to Intel Extreme Masters, ESL Pro League, ESL Challenger events, ESL Challenger League and ESL National Championships, including their qualifiers). This one hundred and twenty (120) day period starts whenever the first addition is made.
A player can only join an ESL participant if they have not been registered to, at most, 2 teams in ESL Pro Tour CS competitions (including their qualifiers) during the last 120 days. A special, one-time exception to this rule can be made if the player or their team can clearly prove that this change is long term (i.e. by presenting a valid contract). This exception can never be made when the third team is the same as the first one they were registered to.
- 2.3.3 Coach substitutions in offline competitions
Participants registered on a roster are allowed to be substituted for the coach standing behind the team during their match. A coach substitution can only be made in-between matches, and must be reported to the tournament administration after the map veto for the relevant match.
ESL Pro Tour - Game Specific Rules 2024
- 2.7.2 Offline tournaments
Participants are allowed to have their registered coach behind them during their official matches. During the match, the coach will be connected to the voice communication system and will only be allowed to talk to the players during tactical pauses and half times. The coach is not allowed to communicate in any other way including, but not limited to, shouting or non-verbal communication (e.g. touching) with players outside of the specified time windows.
Any coach found to be in breach of the communications restrictions outlined in this section will receive one (1) warning from the referees. This warning stays in place for the duration of the event. If this rule is breached again, or the first instance is severe enough, the coach will be ejected from the game and forfeits their right to coach for the remainder of the match. The administration team will pause the match for the duration of the removal and this pause is considered to be equal to a technical pause for communication purposes.
Teams may be given a preemptive warning in case they are considered repeat offenders. In case of a preemptive warning, the first incident will result in the coach being ejected.
An ejected coach cannot be replaced via the coach substitution method laid out in 2.3.3 Coach substitutions in offline competitions in ESL Pro Tour CS Roster Restrictions.
Warnings are logged by the tournament administration and may be reviewed for sanctioning purposes.
If the incident has clearly and relevantly impacted the game, the consequences for the coach and/or the team will be accordingly more severe.